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Your rent deserves the best management service

We manage your investment, You benefit from it.
We manage your investment, You benefit from it.

About us

Dedicated and Professional Service

Vontade e Empenho Lda, with its commercial name, VE Imóveis – Gestão de Arrendamentos, was born in 2015 as a result of the growing need for a dedicated and professional rental management service.

Vontade e Empenho Lda, with its commercial name, VE Imóveis – Gestão de Arrendamentos, was born in 2015 as a result of the growing need for a dedicated and professional rental management service.

José Vaz
José Vaz
CEO / Lease Manager
Claudia Fernandes
Cláudia Fernandes
Process Manager
Isabel Vaz
Isabel Vaz
Process Manager

Duarte Pestana
Duarte Pestana
Commercial Manager
Humberto Silva
Humberto Silva
Maintenance Technician
Oliver 2
Does everything

The team

Rental Management Specialists

Knowing the rental market, we see the constant difficulty of owners in having a company that not only provides the real estate mediation service, but that even after the service has been carried out, they have someone to accompany them in a professional way to solve the constant situations. related to the lease.
All our clients have the same purpose in common, to maximize the profitability of their properties with the least amount of concerns possible.

At VE Imóveis we are specialists in rental management, we work with full transparency with our client, our motivation and our professional commitment are focused on everyone’s satisfaction.

If you are the owner of a property that you wish to put up for rent, contact us, as we work exclusively for you and we have all the will and commitment to take care of what is yours. We are here to work with you.

The team

Rental Management Specialists

José Vaz
José Vaz
CEO / Lease Manager
Claudia Fernandes
Cláudia Fernandes
Process Manager
Isabel Vaz
Isabel Vaz
Process Manager
Duarte Pestana l
Commercial Manager
Humberto Silva
Humberto Silva
Maintenance Technician
Does everything

Knowing the rental market, we see the constant difficulty of owners in having a company that not only provides the real estate mediation service, but that even after the service has been carried out, they have someone to accompany them in a professional way to solve the constant situations. related to the lease.
All our clients have the same purpose in common, to maximize the profitability of their properties with the least amount of concerns possible.

At VE Imóveis we are specialists in rental management, we work with full transparency with our client, our motivation and our professional commitment are focused on everyone’s satisfaction.

If you are the owner of a property that you wish to put up for rent, contact us, as we work exclusively for you and we have all the will and commitment to take care of what is yours. We are here to work with you.


All the services your property deserves

We take care of all matters related to your property. We are specialized in property management, able to face the challenges imposed by the new urban lease regime and the challenges of the current rental market.

Our focus is to make your property more profitable, either with the best monthly income or with the best tax framework so that your property always has the highest possible income and benefits from it in the best way.

Benefit 100% on IRS with our management service. Talk with us.


All the services your
property deserves

All the services your property deserves

We take care of all matters related to your property. We are specialized in property management, able to face the challenges imposed by the new urban lease regime and the challenges of the current rental market. 

Our focus is to make your property more profitable, either with the best monthly income or with the best tax framework so that your property always has the highest possible income and benefits from it in the best way. Benefit 100% on IRS with our management service.

Benefit 100% on IRS with our management service. Talk with us.

We take care of all matters related to your property. We are specialized in property management, able to face the challenges imposed by the new urban lease regime and the challenges of the current rental market. 

Our focus is to make your property more profitable, either with the best monthly income or with the best tax framework so that your property always has the highest possible income and benefits from it in the best way. Benefit 100% on IRS with our management service.

Benefit 100% on IRS with our management service. Talk with us.

Our clients


See the testimonials from our clients.
“Equipa profissional, competente e que recomendo vivamente a quem não quer ter problemas com arrendamento de imoveis.”
Rita Silva
Paço de Arcos
“A minha experiência com a VE Imóveis tem sido ótima. Têm resolvido todos os problemas que surgem com total profissionalismo e dedicação, não podia estar mais satisfeita com os seus serviços.”
Susana Viana
“VE-Imóveis é gestora de arrendamentos dos apartamentos de meus clientes, os serviços que a equipe do VE-Imóveis vem desempenhando, vem a exceder nossas expectativas, recomendo.”
Raquel Viana Gay
Brunei Darussalam
“Profissionalismo e competência! Uma equipa sempre disponível e atenciosa. Recomendo vivamente!”
Sara Cesar
“Excelentes profissionais sempre dispostos a encontrar as melhores soluções.”
Carlos Mestre
“A simpatia a honestidade e o profissionalismo como esta empresa aborda o mercado imobiliário não tem precedentes. Conseguem vender qualquer tipo de casa, onde tudo corre conforme o vendedor prometeu, sem esquemas sempre com um rigor sem igual. RECOMENDO”
José Soares
Vila Franca de Xira
“Depois de andar anos a tentar vender o meu imóvel, eis que esta empresa num ápice, encontrou comprador, tratou de toda a burocracia, sempre com um minuto para nos atender e super atenciosos. Recomendo vivamente!!!!!”
Rui Fonseca
Torres Vedras
“Uma equipa fantástica, que presta serviço completo e personalizado com acompanhamento permanente. Recomendo!!”
Filipa Palhares
"A VE Imóveis tem sido exemplar a gerir o arrendamento da minha casa. O sr. José Vaz seleciona os candidatos a inquilinos com extremo rigor, trata de todos os assuntos rapidamente e está sempre disponível para responder às perguntas e pedidos que lhe faço com um sorriso. Recomendo sem qualquer reserva a VE Imóveis a quem necessite de arrendar um imóvel."
Rosário Durão
Albuquerque / USA
"Estou bastante satisfeito pelo serviço que me tem sido prestado desde o início pela VE Imóveis. Não tenho nada de mal a apontar, antes pelo contrário, só tenho a agradecer pela simpatia e pela atenção que me tem sido dada até agora. Muito obrigado."
Francisco Figueira

Real Estate Promotion

We take care of all the promotion of your property, carrying out the photographic report of it and placing it in the various national and international real estate portals in order to capture the best tenant for your property.

Capture and Scrutiny of Tenants

We intend to rent your property quickly, but always with a huge sense of responsibility. This is one of the most important phases of the lease in order to ensure good stability to your income. Thus, in order to minimize the risk of default, we gather and analyze the documentation with proof of income and financial capacity of both the tenants and their guarantors, as it is also in our interest to have the best tenants for your property. Whenever there is a problem with the receipt of income, we also stop receiving the fees for our services and as such we demand compliance.

Preparation of the Lease Agreement

With the support of the team of lawyers hired by our services, we prepare the lease agreement always based on the law in force and always in order to defend all your claims and interests. We seek to defend your heritage in the best way.

Transfer of Water, Light and Gas Contracts

In properties with water, electricity and gas contracts still active in the name of the owner, or in the name of previous tenants, we provide all the necessary support to ensure that the contracts for these services are in the name of their new tenants, ensuring that the future responsibility for these contracts does not lie with the owner.

Management of Tenants' Complaints and Requests

We will deal with all complaints or requests that your tenants make, and we will have the utmost rigor in dealing with them, always with the aim of protecting you as the owner and especially to protect your assets.

Collection of Income and Application of Penalties

We charge the rent to your tenants, always ensuring that the payment is executed within the legal period, if the same does not happen immediately, your tenants received a notification with the collection of the penalty provided for by the law in force.

Issuance of Receipts via the Finance Portal

After the payment of the rent, we issue the respective receipt of payment of the rent on your behalf via the finance portal, so that you are always duly within the law.

Payment of Fixed Expenses, Condominium, etc

Upon confirmation of the tenant’s payment, we deduct fixed expenses (Condominium, Management Fee, etc.) and payments that may be previously agreed and duly authorized by the owner. Along with your income, the monthly activity report will be sent.

Property Maintenance and Budget Management

In the eventual need to carry out works and repairs on your property, we evaluate the situation, verifying whether this repair is the responsibility of the owner or the tenant. If the owner is responsible, we proceed with the budget that will be presented and after a decision we proceed with the award and repair or even contact whoever you trust to intervene. We check if the situation has been resolved and proceed with the payment of the same within the terms previously defined and agreed with the owner, so that you do not have any concerns. We check if the situation has been resolved and proceed with the payment of the same within the terms previously defined and agreed with the owner, so that you do not have any concerns.

Inspections of the Property and Preparation of Inspection Reports

This is one of the most important points of our service, we carry out periodic inspections of the property, assuring us that its use and conservation are being carried out and in the event that any anomaly is detected, we make sure that it will be resolved and not aggravated over time, with a lower cost for both the owner and the tenant. These visits are also important to prevent the subletting or assignment of spaces without proper authorization. During this inspection, a document is prepared in order to eventually hold the tenant responsible for any damage detected and at the same time the owner can become aware of the state of his property.

Annual Income Update

We deal annually with updating the income according to the established legal coefficient. We proceed to update the rents according to the new lease law (NRAU November 2012). The decision to make any rent update is always up to the owner. Any decision on the part of the owner to update the rent will have to be made by us to the tenant, respecting the legal deadlines and ensuring that the tenant is aware.

Support of Tax Obligations and Taxes

In order to be up to date on changes or news imposed by the government with regard to property rental, we have a team that is constantly updated on everything that concerns tax obligations and taxes relating to your property.

Preparation of the Tax Dossier for IRS

Every year we prepare a document with all the income and expenses related to your property so that the delivery of your IRS is an uncomplicated process and as simple as possible.

Intervention in Insurers in Cases of Claims

Whenever there is a need, we will intervene with the insurance company in order to report any accident that has occurred in your property, whatever its origin.

Representation in Condominium Assemblies

We replace the owner in contacting the condominium administration, as well as in meetings whenever necessary, in view of the matters to be discussed at the meeting whether or not they are important and with direct consequences for the fractions we represent. The notices, as well as the accounts report, whenever they are provided to us in advance, or any other document received from the Condominium Administration, will be sent to the owner in advance, so that he becomes aware and can anticipate any decision on a certain point that will be dealt with and inform us of that decision. Any important decision that may be taken, before we issue an opinion, will be in line with the owner. The minutes of the meetings will also be sent to the owner.